May 28, 2007
Most Popular Content on C3 Site--Page Views

Yesterday, I published a list of a variety of posts from the first year of the Convergence Culture Consortium that had not been referenced again very often because they did not necessarily deal with ongoing stories, but which I thought might be worth a second look.

Today, I wanted to follow that up by addressing what has been our most popular content, at least according to those tools at Google Analytics. Keep in mind that, as I've written about before, there are a variety of factors of determining what posts are REALLY the most popular.

While our site began almost a year prior, we didn't start measuring these statistics until Halloween 2006. In the past seven months, though, I will list what has been some of our most popular posts.

Of course, the most popular page has, by far, been the main page of the blog, followed by the main page of the site, our main archive page, and our pages about C3 and the people involved with the consortium, as well as Henry Jenkins' book Convergence Culture.

The most popular posts have been (in order of their popularity):

Legacy Characters and Rich History: How Soap Operas Must Capitalize on Their History (and Pay Attention to the Lessons of the WWE).": 1,719 views, average time 2:54. This post got picked up in the soap opera fan community, which drove a lot of specific traffic to it and various other soap opera posts I've made here.

New Study Reveals that 55 percent of 12-17s Are in an Online Social Network. 1,201 views, average time :58.

MTV's Scarred Raises Discussion About User-Generated Content on TV, But the Phenomenon Is More Than Just a Modern Fad or Buzz Phrase. 905 views, average time 2:00.

Weeds Season Two Premiere on MSN Video. 870 views, average time 1:58.

Cartoon Network/Boston Fiasco and the Connotations of Labeling It a "Hoax." 850 views, average time 3:07.

Turner Super Deluxe a Promising Upcoming Venture for a Variety of Comedy Material. 679 views, average time 2:42.

Caveman's Crib: Developing Branded Entertainment for an Insurance Company. 567 views, average time 3:54.

General Hospital: Night Shift Could Be Fascinating Case Study in Cross-Show Storytelling. 534 views, average time 2:18.

Building Soaps as Long-Term Brands: A Diatribe on Laura's Return on General Hospital. 460 views, average time 4:10.

SOAPnet Leaves Some Ardent Fans Feeling Betrayed, Questioning the Brand Identity of the Network. 460 views, average time 2:00.

The next post will look at what the most popular items have been on Feedburner as compared to actual visits to the site in the same time period.