May 28, 2007
Most Popular Content on C3 Site--RSS Feeds

While my previous post looked at the most popular content as was found by search engines, C3's posts receive many more views by RSS feeds at this point than they do live page visits. I thought it would be interesting to compare the top ten viewed pages from page clicks to those from Feedburner, showing a much different picture of what the most popular content from the site has been.

Most of the ten posts listed previously were driven for a particular reason--the Scarred and Weeds posts by a high number of search engine viewers looking for info on those two series, and, for most of the other pages, a variety of blogs which linked back to C3's page, or else a following from the soap opera fan community for which discussion boards linked to particular posts.

Since RSS feeds look at those who are already interested in the site, they find what C3's regular subscribers have been interested in reading. C3 has been measured through Feedburner since September 29, and we have had an average of 541 subscribers throughout that whole period. The growth in subscriptions has been steady throughout, and we have an average of 938 subscribers for the past 30 days.

That being said, the most popular content from our site among subscribers, according to Feedburner's measurements, has been:

Nobody's Watching Continues its Survival Online While in Limbo, 1,017 views

FOE: Fan Culures, from the C3/MIT Program in Comparative Media Studies Futures of Entertainment conference last November, 573 views.

Ubisoft Blurs Distinction Between Films and Games by Branching into CGI, 573 views.

Fan Fiction: Historical Misconceptions and Paratextual Arguments, 573 views.

The Phenomenon of Fans of Fans, 554 views.

FOE: Not the Real World Anymore, also from the Futures of Entertainment conference, 518 views.

Review: The Ad and the Ego, 516 views.

When Transmedia Goes Wrong: Studio 60 and DeFaker, 504 views.

The Power of Reality Television to Inspire Political Debate in the Blogosphere, Commented on by...A Blogger from The Apprentice, 501 views.

Web 3.0 and the Common Sense of the Internet?, 462 views.