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December 11, 2005

The rise of indie CGI animation

Straight from the "clippings-I'm-saving-for-my-thesis" file: The Hollywood Reporter examines one early Weinstein Company project, Hoodwinked, as an example of CGI indie films. The budget for Hoodwinked? About US$35M. Not a small pile of cash, to be sure, but when you consider that, according to Wikipedia, Pixar's latest film The Incredibles had a budget of $US92M and brought in a box office take of $US259M domestic and US$366M abroad, for a whopping total of $US625M (I repeat – US$625,000,000), then Hoodwinked only has to make just under six percent of that take to break even. (Alec, you want to check my math on this?)

(Postscript: cool! Post #100!)


Actually, the break-even point is less clear-cut than that, given that the numbers you're citing for the Incredibles are its Gross box office take. If a movie only grosses as much money as it took to make, it's losing money, not making it, since not all that money goes back to the studio.

That said, box office isn't the only source of income for a movie these days (there's DVD, pay-per-view, TV rights, licensing and so on), and because entertainment companies keep the details of their finances secret, it's hard to estimate how much money a movie actually made or lost unless you've got an inside line or experience in the business.

Posted by: Alec Austin | December 11, 2005 2:57 PM
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