May 28, 2008
Links of the Day: A Few Interesting Random Recent Sites and Stories

One of my tasks for the day has been to clean out the bookmarks I've not yet gone through. To make it a more productive exercise, I thought I'd share a few of them through the blog as well, not just to show how eclectic my own archiving interests are and the types of links people forward to me but likewise to pass along stuff that might be of interest to C3 readers as well.

First, there's this link for the Jack Myers Future of Media discussion from earlier this month. This entry looks at a conversation from a variety of speakers, with the mix including a former Coca-Cola exec and reps from Aegis North America, someone from Colgate Palmolive,, and Worldwide Biggies.

Ed Martin writes:

Fay also supported a change in traditional metrics. "You can't have five different strategies," she asserted. "We're still in a phase where a lot of people feel that their campaigns are very integrated as long as everybody is sticking to the same time table and targeting the same audiences. In reality if you want a true holistic strategy that is all about the consumer, somebody has to own the strategy. There is a lot of confusion about who should own the strategy. What is it when you create a community on MySpace? Is that a creative strategy? Is that a media strategy? I would argue that it is both of those things together."

I am interested in this marketing campaign from Campbell's, to raise money for the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women campaign, which intersected with ABC Daytime's three soap operas through storylines dealing with heart disease and the Go Red initiative. It's interesting to see how companies are continuing to innovate how campaigns are handled and weaved into creative programming. See, for instance, this 2005 post about PSAs as product placement in soaps.

I've been seeing a number of references to the new MTV show The Paper, and, no, not all of them are from our partners at MTV Networks, either...See this post for an interesting dissection and description of the show's central character.

Awhile back, C3 alum Geoffrey Long sent me a link to this site, which is a standalone advergaming site. Geoff wrote in his note, "The advertising component and the 'win travel prizes' seems to be fairly well thought-out. I've only glanced at it, but the idea that you might be able to win Frequent Flier miles through casual gaming is intriguing."

Finally, if you haven't yet, see MySpace's Data Availability, and this Fleishman-HIllard blog, both of which folks forwarded along to me and which I found worth reading.



Thanks for the fourfour "The Paper" link. It's a wonderful show, and well worth watching in one fell swoop when they inevitably rerun a marathon.


Thanks, Dave. I'll have to keep a lookout for it on DVD or in a marathon. If you hear of anything like that coming up, let me know.