December 2, 2007
Writing About FoE2: Around the Blogosphere (1 of 3)

Between Futures of Entertainment 2 on Nov. 16 and 17 and Thanksgiving the next week, we've been in the process of trying to catch up on internal research projects and finish out what was really a fantastic conference, as far as we felt. Thanks to everyone who came, both panelists and audience members, for making it such a fantastic conversation. The plan is to have the audio and video from the conference made available, panel by panel, over the next few days, so be sure to come back here continuously for the latest.

In the meantime, I wanted to share with all of our readers many of the interesting accounts that have been posted around the blogosphere from FoE2. Over the next three posts, I'll link to a variety of these conversations, as a preview of those podcasts.

In this post, I'm linking to the posts for the pre-conference and some of the first day's events.

First, the MIT Communications Forum with Jesse Alexander and Mark Warshaw from Heroes was covered by C3 Graduate Researcher Lauren Silberman for this blog, here and here.

Several other folks have given their thoughts on that panel as well. See C3 Consulting Researcher Grant McCracken's take here, while another of our consulting researchers, Jason Mittell, provides his take here. Michael Sherrin gives his take at Prodigeek, while LJer counteragent provides perspective on the discussion here and here.

Futures of Entertainment opened with comments from C3 Director Henry Jenkins and Research Manager Joshua Green. See the C3 team's live blogging here. Jason Mittell makes reference to their presentation here, while counteragent offers a note here. John Eckman provides his take here at Open Parenthesis, while David Burn provides an account for AdPulp. Carina Enbody provides her take of the opening at Fallon Planning, while Rachel Clarke writes her thoughts at Licence to Roam. Also, see notes from this panel from volunteer Laura Boylan on LJ, Chris Dahlen at Save the Robot, and Ian Fitzpatrick at Heavyset.

The mobile media panel live blogging from the C3 team is available here, while C3 Consulting Researcher Shenja van der Graaf provides her perspective here. See Raph Koster's notes on the panel here, while Isabel Walcott Hilborn provides her take here. Marisa Gallagher also has notes at the Digital Design Blog. Also, see posts from John Eckman, Rachel Clarke, David Burn, Carina Enbody, and Ian Fitzpatrick. Also, see some notes from Leigh Alexander at Worlds in Motion, who reacts to Raph Koster's notes on the event, while this account is available at on the face.